Core Distinctives

Purpose Statement

These answer the question, “Why has God placed us here?”

To bring glory to God by

  1. Loving God – by walking in obedience to Him as we hear Him speak to us. As we are led by Him we to step out by faith to follow Him.

  2. Loving people – by serving and giving ourselves to others, by being salt and light, by bearing witness to the gospel and by faithfully proclaiming its message.

  3. Building His Kingdom – by raising up, equipping, empowering, and sending out all believers to be effective ministers in the work of the kingdom.

Vision Statement

“What end result does God want to see as the fruit of our work?”

Vision Statement: To see the vulnerable, the hopeless, and the broken changed by the power of the Gospel into people with hope, healing, and spiritual vitality as we engage people and communities in word and deed.

Mission Statement

“What has God called us to accomplish?”

We exist to bring glory to God by Loving God, Loving People, and Building His Kingdom

Guiding Principles

“Which convictions best describe why do we do what we do?”

We believe that our mission will be effectively accomplished by

  1. Powerful and Effective Prayer – Prayer is the ability to actively listen to the voice of God in order to commune with Him and to be led by Him. It is the work of every believer to ask God for His help, and by prayer and faith, to see great things accomplished to His glory. We believe that God is glorified most in answered prayer and His Kingdom cannot be advanced without it. Therefore, prayer must be the true power source of all that we do.

  2. Gospel Centered Ministry – God created man to live in intimate communion and fellowship with Him. Sin has destroyed that relationship and separated us from God’s presence, blessing, and joy. Jesus reconciles and restores all that was lost through His life, death, and resurrection. The gospel must be at the center of everything we do. Our ultimate aim is to see people restored to deep fellowship with God through the perfect and completed work of Christ, and to live daily by the message and power of the gospel.

  3. The Leading of the Word and the Holy Spirit – God speaks to His children and longs to communicate Himself, His purpose, and His will to us. He does this by many means, but primarily and most reliably through His revealed Word and by the Holy Spirit. Thus, we expect God to lead us and give us clear direction through these two primary avenues – always working in harmony. We will move forward as we have been directed by God through His Word and by the Holy Spirit.

  4. Active Faith – God calls us to partner with Him in His mission, but our part is always one of absolute dependence upon Him. Thus, we wait upon God to speak to us and to lead us (faith), we petition God for the resources and means to do all that He has asked us to do (trust), and take action with the conviction that He will do what He has promised (obedience). We will make decisions based on prayerful consideration of what God has called us to do, not on based the resources we may or may not have.

  5. Equipping All Believers for Ministry – God’s plan is to make disciples of every nation by raising up and equipping every believer to do ministry. Therefore, we are not merely called to do ministry ourselves, but we must be multiplying our ministry by effectively training and reproducing true disciples. That means every person must be training others, who can in turn train others. Rather than simply training leaders who minister to every believer, we need to be equipping all believers to do ministry!

  6. Valuing People – People must always be more important than our goals, projects, programs, and organizations. Only people can do ministry (not programs or buildings), and only what we do to touch people will impact eternity. Ministry is all about relationships that are Christ centered and gospel focused. We are to live out God’s love for the world as we love our neighbor, and value people as God does.

  7. Ministry to the Whole Person – The work of the gospel must touch and transform very part of a person’s life – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We seek to engage every aspect of life and bring God’s redeeming work to it. Helping people find daily bread is important, and so is helping them find Living water. We help people most when we have a balanced approach that brings the gospel into all areas of life.

  8. Community – we believe that the most effective context for equipping and gospel transformation is in the community where they live. We seek to love people by engaging the community as salt and light – serving them and showing God’s love in the midst of everyday life. It also means that we are building people into a community of faith, where every member has a place and is part of the ministry to the whole community – inwardly toward the community of faith, and outwardly in the place where they live.

  9. Working in strategic partnerships – with in FCF, and with other like minded Churches and organizations. Jesus prayer that all His followers would be one as He and the Father are one, and by that the world would know that Jesus came from God. We do not simply work with others because it is beneficial to us, but because we are convinced it brings great glory to God and is a powerful witness to the watching world.

  10. By caring for the marginalized – God’s loves all His creatures, even those that the world often overlooks – the poor, the orphan, the lame, the weak. We do not care for only the marginalized, but we do make a special effort to make certain we are not overlooking them, and by caring them, we are demonstrating the heart of the Father toward all His creation.

Mission Strategy

“How will we do what God wants done?”

  1. We will be actively involved in the daily task of discipling, teaching, training, encouraging, resourcing, organizing, and interceding for all the body of Christ to be prepared and equipped for effective and fruitful ministry in their homes, their communities, their nation, and the world.

  2. Our focus will be the equipping of all believers to be effective in carrying out the unique ministry for which God has called and gifted them.

  3. As we train all believers, we will be careful to identify and give special attention to those nationals with a unique calling and gifting for the special task of equipping the Church (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers - Ephesians 4:11-13) recognizing their strategic role in equipping the entire body for effective service.

  4. We will develop resources, materials, systems, processes, and structures that will serve as ministry tools to enhance and increase the ability to effectively train believers and build up the Church.

  5. We will seek a holistic approach to build up each believer, so that they can be used to build each other up in Christ. Thus, we will seek to prepare and develop people to reach their God given potential in all areas of life - spiritually, emotionally, relationally, financially, intellectually, etc.

  6. We will seek to help those is need by investing in them in ways that help them to be self-sustaining and not dependent on us - this will be true in all areas of ministry whether we are providing Bible training, or working in areas of social justice like helping the poor, caring for orphans, etc.

Organizational Culture

Because we trust God

  1. We trust God the Father who is at work in the world and has called us into partnership with himself. We have faith that He will provide for every need in order to successfully accomplish all that He has called us to do.

  2. We trust Jesus who has given His life in service and sacrifice for us, to redeem us - restoring us to right relationships with the Father, with each other, and with all of creation. We believe that His work is sufficient and we simply need to walk in faith in what He has already accomplished.

  3. We Trust the Holy Spirit who is our Counselor and Guide. We are confident that if we seek His help, He will guide us to make wise decisions. He will communicate to us the Father's heart and will, and He will enable us to do the work at hand.

We can choose to trust God's people

  1. Not because mankind is inherently good, but because the power of God, poured out through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, has given His children the capacity to walk in unity, love, and cooperation. We are called to work together to accomplish our God given mission.

  2. We trust the gifting and calling of God in a person’s life. Therefore, we seek to help people find a good ministry fit according to their gifts and calling.

  3. We believe that people are ultimately accountable to God, not man, and must therefore live in way that respects God's leadership and sovereign purpose in their life.

  4. We entrust ministry to teams. We believe in the mutual ministry of the body, the priesthood of every believer, to encourage, equip, and support each other. We are committed to living with each other in true unity, fellowship, and community.

  5. We trust entrust ministry teams to gifted leaders. Teams need leaders, but those who lead live to serve the team, and lead the team to healthy partnerships and successful ministry, not to micromanaging people.

In a trusting environment, we are free to develop people by helping them 1) grow in their walk with Christ, 2) reach their full potential according to their gifts and abilities, and 3) truly live by faith. We can confidently send them out to do what God has called them to, equipping, supporting, and encouraging them along the way.

Formal Charter Objectives

  • To support and encourage strong and healthy families that are caring, loving, and nurturing.

  • To work in cooperation with Government agencies and private organizations to prevent and alleviate all types of social problems in Thai society.

  • To create institutions and training opportunities for the advancement of ethics, religion, and morality in order to develop good leaders.

  • To assist children, youth, and teenagers by supporting education, sports, art, music, literature, and other educational opportunities.

  • To establish counseling centers in order to offer counsel and advice in dealing with social problems. For example - family problems, relationship issues, drug and alcohol addictions, etc.

  • To be a benefit to Thai society through active partnership and cooperation with other foundations and entities.

  • To work exclusively on social issues with absolutely no involvement in politics or through political action.