About Projects

FCF Projects are spread out among 3 branch offices in Chiang Mai, Kalasin, and Ubon Ratchathani provinces. Each Project has a Director and its own Project board, which has been delegated the responsibility of accountability for the Project by the FCF Board of Directors. Our Admin Team supports the Projects, and all follow a basic level of structure and common processes that help us maintain a high standard of legality and accountability. This is specifically designed to empower our Projects to serve in the unique ways God has led them to and gifted them.

Project Directors choose and lead their teams, fundraise for their projects, do strategic planning, and are responsible for reporting annual goals and budgets, quarterly board minutes, and monthly expense reports to FCF. These are all subject to approval by FCF as a basic level of accountability.

Project Reporting Requirements

New Projects

Potential new project directors will meet with an FCF leader to discuss the possible new project. During this exploratory phase, FCF’s mission, vision, values, model, structure, processes, and policies will be discussed to explore if a partnership would benefit both parties. After working together to prepare the new project application, it will be presented to the FCF Board of Directors for initial approval. The potential new director will not attend this board meeting.

Upon initial approval, more detailed information will be prepared, such as finalizing a project description, staff job descriptions, annual budget, fundraising plan, project branding, etc. At the next FCF Board of Directors meeting, the potential director will be interviewed, and a final decision will be made. Upon final approval, the FCF admin team will work with the new director to onboard the project and new staff.

Project Director Transitions

If a director takes a formal leave of absence or intends to work remotely for an extended period beyond 3 months, a temporary “acting director” must be selected and approved by FCF. If leading remotely for under 3 months, be sure to communicate with your team about the plan and any leadership responsibilities that may need to be covered by someone on your team. If a director resigns and the project continues, FCF will work with the project to identify a new director, but they must be interviewed by HR and approved by the FCF Board of Directors. 

Statement of Intent to Follow Thai Law

FCF operates within the boundaries of Thai laws established by the governing authorities we live and work under. It is a non-negotiable, Biblical mandate that honors God and allows us to be more effective witnesses for Christ. FCF will not be liable for the activities of any Project that is operating outside of the reasonable pursuit to follow the law. We understand that following the law can sometimes be a complex and cumbersome task, so please contact our Chief Administrative Officer to walk with you through these issues. FCF can also consult with its legal counsel to help us pursue the best path forward when facing complex issues.

Project Descriptions

Every Project has a detailed project description that defines its mission, outcomes, activities, and general information. Most of this information doesn’t change much over time but is updated annually to ensure it accurately reflects the Project.


FCF Conference: All staff are required to attend the annual conference, typically in September. If you cannot reasonably attend, please contact hr@fcfthailand.org.

FCF All-Staff Gathering:  Sometimes, we have all-staff gatherings for fellowship, worship, and fun together. These are optional to attend, but attendance is encouraged.

Director Meetings: Project Directors must attend quarterly meetings to build community among our Projects and hear the latest administrative updates from the FCF Admin Team. If you can’t reasonably attend one of these meetings, please contact projects@fcfthailand.org.


All employees and volunteers should be evaluated at least once annually. Projects can use their own evaluation tools, and these don’t need to be turned in to HR, but if you need help with the process, feel free to contact hr@fcfthailand.org.

Google Workspace 

FCF has a non-profit Google Workspace account available to all staff that includes an email address using the @fcfthailand.org domain, unlimited Google Meet conference calls, and the use of Google Shared Drives and Apps. If you’d like to set up your own Project website as a hosted domain with FCF or if you have any computer or tech-related questions, email informationservices@fcfthailand.org. To view a few Project websites we are hosting now, check out TawSaeng, DigiServe, and Home of the Swallow.

Partnerships & MOUs

FCF values partnerships. By combining our collective skills and knowledge, we will be more effective in seeing the fruition of our vision for Thailand. Projects may enter into strategic partnerships provided those partnerships do not conflict with FCF's mission, vision, values, and policies. FCF reserves the right to prohibit any partnership that conflicts with those principles and policies.

Sometimes a partnership means working together on a brief activity, but sometimes it means a deeper, long-term relationship. For those more complex partnerships, it's best to establish an MOU with the partner. This is important because it allows each party to clearly state their objectives and what they expect from one another. It can help both parties articulate their shared goals and address any potential disputes before they happen. The potential Project partner can make an MOU directly with the Project or directly with FCF, but please provide a copy of the MOU for FCF to review before signing it.

Thai Staff

Visit the Thai Employees page to learn more about a Project’s responsibilities to paid employees.

Project Volunteers - Pre-Field Responsibilities

FCF will issue a visa packet to volunteers after completing all necessary parts of the application process.

The Project Director will… 

Project Volunteers - On-Field Responsibilities

FCF will...

The Project Director will...

Disciplinary Procedure

If any of the following circumstances arise:

FCF will investigate the matter:


FCF & Project